
In support of the mission of AAUW to advance equity through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research, the San Luis Obispo Branch of AAUW awards scholarships annually to re-entry students who have completed one year or more at Cuesta College.

The scholarship amount has grown to $2000 annually. Any Cuesta student who meets the qualifications is invited to apply.

The Cuesta Scholarship Selection Committee manages the application, selection, and funding of all awards. These scholarships are funded by an endowment that was originally conceived in 1990.

To qualify, the applicant must: 

  • Be a resident of San Luis Obispo County for at least two (2) years
  • Be a re-entry student (interrupted post-high school education) having completed no less than one (1) year of instruction at an accredited college or university in good standing
  • Be at least 25 years of age
  • Be able to demonstrate economic need
  • Be currently enrolled at Cuesta College
  • Be planning to attend Cuesta College for at least two (2) additional semesters
  • Be able to articulate educational and career goals

At this time our selection process for 2024-2025 is completed. Please watch this site for more information and visit the Cuesta College Financial Aid Offices web site for future information.