AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. The AAUW Funds support this mission of AAUW.
AAUW Greatest Needs Fund (9110) allows AAUW the flexibility to respond rapidly to new and emerging challenges facing women and girls, and to utilize your gift where it’s needed most. This fund ensures the strength, relevance, and viability of AAUW into the future.
Education and Training Fund (4450) addresses the barriers and implicit biases that hinder the advancement of women, by championing equal access to education and ensuring that education at every level is free from sex discrimination.
Economic Security Fund (4449) ensures livelihoods for women through achieving pay equity for women, providing training in salary negotiation, and deepening women’s retirement security and quality of life.
Leadership Fund (4452) supports the effort to close the gender gap in leadership opportunities by bolstering the participation of, and increasing the number of, girls and women in leadership roles, particularly in education and nonprofit organizations.